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Sugar Land Church of Christ Membership Data Form



To ensure that our church membership records are current, we kindly request all families to complete and submit the data form below by Sunday, October 27, 2024. This will help us to verify and update our records as we prepare for our upcoming pictorial directory, and to ensure effective communication with you. You can choose to fill out the form electronically below or manually. If you prefer to complete the form manually, please click the PDF icon below, print it out, fill it in, and submit it on Sunday, October 6, 13, or 27, 2024. 

- Thank You!

SLCoC Membership Data Form

Family Name:

Mailing Address:

Contact Information:

Dates of Celebration:

Household: (If Applicable)

Church Pictorial Directory:

Will You Participate in the new Pictorial Directory?
Pictorial Directory Receipt Options: (Please Select)
Receive a Physical copy of the Directory
Receive a Digital copy of the Directory
Receive both Physical & Digital copies of the Directory

One Call Now Notification:

Are you enrolled in our One Call Now Notification System to receive the church bulletin & notifications?

Special Notes:

Please provide any special notes below.

Manual Data Form
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