Welcome To Our Church Website
Thank you for visiting our website! Before you take a tour, we’d like to share a few things from our heart to yours. Sugar Land Church of Christ is a sincere group of believers who values the importance of the Bible and seeks to live out the love of Christ. We are located in the Southwest suburb of the greater Houston area. We’re one of the most loving, caring churches you’ll ever visit. We invite you to come join us for any of our worship opportunities where you’ll experience transformative worship and an inspirational message from the Scriptures.
We strive to maintain unity in the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:1-16). Our Mission is to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthews 28:19). Our Challenge is to develop spiritually mature members of Christ's church (Romans 12:1-8). The example of Jesus loving our neighbors as ourselves (Matthew 22:36–40) is ingrained in our every effort to reach neighbors in our immediate community and around the world.
When you visit Sugar Land Church of Christ, you will experience a sincere atmosphere and warm welcome. From the time you drive onto the parking lot, you will find that our members want nothing more than to ensure your visit is memorable. And when you walk through the doors of the church members will greet you with smiling faces.
Thank you again for visiting our website. If you’d like to learn more, feel free to call our church office at (281) 561-0881 or email us at info@slcoc.org. You may also visit our Facebook page at Sugar Land Church of Christ.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Many Blessings,
Your Sugar Land Church of Christ Family

Lewis Parker, IV